Daily Archives: January 24, 2009

I want it soooo badly!

Have you ever wanted something badly? Well, guess most of us have had that wanting. I did, and it’s not just one thing, butmany things. Wanting propels us — it makes us moves forward (or perhaps, backward). A strong desire to want something could create either positive or negative effects. It’s positive if you could use it as your motivations, but it’s negative if it pulls you down. All in all, both bring suffering.

Let’s make up a scneario, you have a very burning desire to get a Porche. At the beginning you are so excited and started planning and decided to set aside 20% of your salary for the car. Now, it is closer to the time for you to get a Porche, you only need another month’s salary, and then the Porche would be parked in your garage. But the shiny lucky stars are away from your cosmic sky and you ended up being diagnosed having a cancer. Every dream you have built before collapses. No more Porsche in the equation because you need the money to cover up all the medical bills, because your insurance company won’t cover the full cost of it. And this for sure breaks your heart apart.

As I told you, I have a wanting that I didn’t realise it has eaten me up. But luckily I had a realisation this morning that the wantings are not as important as cherishing and feeling grateful for what I already have. Instead of looking out for something I haven’t had, why don’t I cherish and enjoy what I have had? I believe when everything is right the moment would come.

Lately I’ve been too focused on material side of the world. I want to earn much money, I want to buy this, I want to buy that… the list never ends! But what I don’t realise is that all these wantings suffer me and also people surrounding me (for perhaps helping me to get what I want — providing all the material supports). It was selfish of me to do that!

Now I learn to let go of all those wantings and let the nature takes its course. 🙂 Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu

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