Tag Archives: happy


Have you ever complained about life, or heard others complaining?

I guess complaint is really common in our lives — we tend to complain on things we don’t like. We push away things we don’t like. It’s natural.

But when you listen to others’ complaints constantly… what you feel? You start to complain about the complaints! Yeah…. inevitable, ya?

I listened to this talk by Ajahn Brahm, it is an eye-opener. Well, we are living in a conditioned environment, as the nature itself is conditioned. So yeah, so many conditions interplay in our lives, and sometimes most of them are beyond our control. Yet for example, when we don’t like the job we are doing as a clerk, for example, we think that I’d be happy if I change my job to become a retailer. Indeed you’ll get rid off your suffering as a clerk, but you would have another form of suffering, the suffering of a retailer.

Then if we think that way, regardless of what conditions and environment we are in, we would still have suffering, only in different forms.

So all in all, what really matters is our attitude. What should we do in that situation, are we being negative or positive about it? Some outward conditions (i.e., conditions surround you) are hard to change — in other words, it’s hard to change others and the world. But it is easier and doable to change yourself, the conditions within.

So next time, when you face difficulties in your life, instead of blaming and complaining others or your environment, pause for awhile, and look within. See what you can do about in that situation or conditions, and think what’s the best attitude within you that you can have. There is a wise saying “The world is seen through your own specs”. So when you put on positive specs, you would see life is more positive. And vice versa. So it’s your choice…. complaining or living along with it.

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Filed under Buddhism, My life, Random

Chinese New Year

Gong Xi Fa Chai!

Chinese New Year is around the corner!!! It’s only a few weeks ahead!!!! I remember, when I was little Chinese New Year (CNY) was my favorite day of the year. I even put it before X’mas (indeed, my family doesn’t celebrate X’mas), New Year, and my own Birthday! CNY was the day that I’d been waiting for!!! 😀 I love everything about it: the (new) clothes, clean house, nice FOODS, and most of all: the red pocket!

I got excited when me and my family started to hunt the treasure! Hehehe… please don’t translate that literally, even though I meant it hahhahahha 😛 At the end of the day, me and my brother would count our income and compare it to each other to see who’ve got the most… And I would be very happy if it was me, but sad and envious if it wasn’t me.

But CNY isn’t about red pocket per se. However I see this act of giving red pocket is a good one, it is the time to be generous, especially to those who are dear to you. CNY gives you a gate to open your door to your relos, and it’s time for gathering and catching up with each other. It is a good time to strengthen the relationships between your relos, and Chinese do value family-ship.

However, getting older and (hopefully wiser), I get less excited about the red pocket. Don’t get me wrong — it doesn’t mean that I don’t like it anymore, I still do! Seriously, who doesn’t like money? 😛 I mean, without money how on earth could I survive?! However, the value of the money is not the importance to me. I don’t really care how much the money inside the pocket you give to me, as long as you have the heart to give it to me, well I’d take it with a smile in my heart and thank you. Maybe I’ve changed because now I’m able to earn my money, I’m not as reliant as before.. When I was little, I had to strive to get my Dad buy me something, since my Dad doesn’t like us to spend money too much, esp on things that we don’t really need. I admire that of him.

Honestly, due to this festival, I miss my family more…. especially today when I passed by an oriental shop and looked at the CNY candies and ornaments, I really wished that I was with my family. It’s really an attachment, and I did realise it coming. Feeling is impermanent, as it went away, I let it go 🙂

Lately I feel happier and lighter. I feel more carefree…. Hope y’all feel the same! Be happy! 🙂

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