Tag Archives: obstacle

Leaping through a Hurdle

Well, I’m boringly waiting for my file transfer (from my computer to my external hard drive) to finish. It takes ageeeeeesss… *sigh* Thanks to the USB port of my external HD. So, to keep me away from daydreaming, I decide to write this entry.

Life is sometimes full of hurdles or problems. But what is problem or obstacle? Obstacles or problems are again depend on how you perceive or see it. Do you see it as half-full or half-empty? So, sometimes when you think it’s a problem, but if you switch your thought, it may be an opportunity!

However most of us are afraid of failing, that is why we sometimes run away from the issues we are facing. Same thing with procrastination — we keep procrastinating because we are too afraid to do things wrongly, or to get the result below our expectations.

Expectations — we to some extent have them, almost in every part of our lives — study, work, relationships, family, etc. The expectation sometimes is the benchmark of our success. If we pass the expectation then we would feel happy. But attachment deludes itself as an expectation. Attachment follows expectation like the shadow that follows us wherever we go. Since expectations may be unrealistic and inflexible, some of us may fall into the trap of suffering. By letting go of the expectation then we would feel more happy and free!

Expectation is not the bad guy — we can use it as our motivation, not one that can put burden on our shoulder. Expectation again is very subjective, and what you see may not be the same as what others see. However once we have started our engine in our way to reach the island of expectation, we should be able to slowly turn the expectation to hope, one that has least expectation, so we won’t be too attached to the idea of how the result would turn out to.

I hope my rumbling makes sense… hope you guys get it….. 😛

Btw, this week is the Orientation Week at UNSW ~~~ So Sydney-siders, come to UNSW and visit UNIBUDS Stall 😀

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Filed under My life, Random