Tag Archives: problem

Looking at a Bigger Picture

Have you ever shared your problem or issue to a 3rd party, then getting a clearer picture of the whole situation? Why is that? I guess when we are in a situation, we tend to read the situation through our own glasses, not from both parties’. That is why our view is a bit bias in that sense. The 3rd party normally would look at both sides ~~ so they could see a bigger picture.

Imagine if in our life we could see a bigger picture for ourselves, guess we would be more objective and have less conflict with others.

But sometimes communication and understanding are really crucial to help us see the bigger picture. If we are less tolerate it is hard to understand the position of others.

Lately I’ve been too absorbed in myself, I was trying too hard to understand myself — of what I’m feeling, etc. But because of that, I forgot that I interacted with others, and subconsciously have neglected their feelings. Then I realised that I won’t gain anything from trying too hard on self-discovery. I should have been on the Middle Path — not the extreme. Having known that I feel a surge of freedom and release. 🙂

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Meaning of LIFE

What is the meaning of life?

Do you ever wonder why we are born in this life? Why our lives are mortal? Why we have to die?

Well, I guess that is just the process of the nature — there is a fall in every rise. So there is death shadowing the life. Common truth that we all know.

But sometimes, we miss the point of the meaning of life. If we ponder that way, that life is just a fleeting moment — our breath can stop anytime without our own acknowledgment, then maybe we would see the real purpose of life.

We all should ask ourselves, what is the most important aspect in our life? What do we value the most? Sadly, we are all living in a material world — where people perceive money and material is the determination of happiness. Or at least, it is the drive that keep people working hard. But see the rich and wealthy — if money is the source of happiness, then they all should be happy. But is it the case? NO! Why? Because the concept is wrong. Money does not equate happiness. In fact, it brings another suffering: suffering of the rich (ie paranoid of losing their money and belongings, etc).

I read an article on the news today. I really like it, it is a bout a guy (The Porn King, Greg Lasrado) who was wealthy then (having millions of dollars in his assets), but now he is close to poor. His life was sooooo wealthy that he need not think twice before spending millions of dollars. But unfortunately his naivety and ‘stupidity’ cost him bankruptcy. He then reached rock bottom — feeling of losing-it-all –and got addicted to heroin. However there is a moment that changed his life. When he was charged and arrested with heroin possession, he started to see the real meaning of his life. He started to see that material and money is not the most important aspect of his life. He started to appreciate the love of his parents and his little daughter. The loves in the end propelled him to stand up straight again and face life gracefully.

Difficulties and lessons are like coins. One side it is difficulties or setbacks, on the flip side of the coin there is a beautiful lesson. So yeah, when we find difficulties in life, just be strong and be grateful, since behind it there is a beauty. 🙂

Now, think yourself… what is the most important thing in your life? Then, think how you should live your life accordingly. 🙂

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Leaping through a Hurdle

Well, I’m boringly waiting for my file transfer (from my computer to my external hard drive) to finish. It takes ageeeeeesss… *sigh* Thanks to the USB port of my external HD. So, to keep me away from daydreaming, I decide to write this entry.

Life is sometimes full of hurdles or problems. But what is problem or obstacle? Obstacles or problems are again depend on how you perceive or see it. Do you see it as half-full or half-empty? So, sometimes when you think it’s a problem, but if you switch your thought, it may be an opportunity!

However most of us are afraid of failing, that is why we sometimes run away from the issues we are facing. Same thing with procrastination — we keep procrastinating because we are too afraid to do things wrongly, or to get the result below our expectations.

Expectations — we to some extent have them, almost in every part of our lives — study, work, relationships, family, etc. The expectation sometimes is the benchmark of our success. If we pass the expectation then we would feel happy. But attachment deludes itself as an expectation. Attachment follows expectation like the shadow that follows us wherever we go. Since expectations may be unrealistic and inflexible, some of us may fall into the trap of suffering. By letting go of the expectation then we would feel more happy and free!

Expectation is not the bad guy — we can use it as our motivation, not one that can put burden on our shoulder. Expectation again is very subjective, and what you see may not be the same as what others see. However once we have started our engine in our way to reach the island of expectation, we should be able to slowly turn the expectation to hope, one that has least expectation, so we won’t be too attached to the idea of how the result would turn out to.

I hope my rumbling makes sense… hope you guys get it….. 😛

Btw, this week is the Orientation Week at UNSW ~~~ So Sydney-siders, come to UNSW and visit UNIBUDS Stall 😀

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Filed under My life, Random

What will you do?

What will you do?

My friend texted me asking ‘Why do we have one problem after another?”

What would you do or say when a friend asking you about it? Telling your friend that life is like that? Cliche. Telling your friend to be tough and patient? Easier said than done. What is the best way to deal with this situation?

Honestly, I don’t really know what’s the best thing I should do. I did reply to him. I could offer him nothing but support. It’s not about my friend actually, but it’s his partner. His partner has a problem after another. Not a pretty situation to be in .. but it happened to his partner.

I bet he asked me that question not to get the answer, but to get some comfort or support at least. I know that he already knew the answer of that question: it’s a part of kamma, and life is full of ups and downs. So, basically I don’t need to remind him about that, he does know that clearly.

So, I just simply told him that regardless how many problems you have in your life, they are impermanent. They never last forever. So just keep reminding yourself that ‘this too shall pass’. They come and go~~~ maybe one after another, but they never stay. I just asked him to keep supporting his partner. Asked him to keep doing good, as it may help to provide a better conditions for them in future. So yeah, they may have better luck, I hope. I do really hope it.

I have a favorite line on problem. Let me share it with you:

“It’s not the problem that is the issue but rather it’s your attitude attending to the problem– that is the problem”

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