Tag Archives: red pocket

Chinese New Year

Gong Xi Fa Chai!

Chinese New Year is around the corner!!! It’s only a few weeks ahead!!!! I remember, when I was little Chinese New Year (CNY) was my favorite day of the year. I even put it before X’mas (indeed, my family doesn’t celebrate X’mas), New Year, and my own Birthday! CNY was the day that I’d been waiting for!!! 😀 I love everything about it: the (new) clothes, clean house, nice FOODS, and most of all: the red pocket!

I got excited when me and my family started to hunt the treasure! Hehehe… please don’t translate that literally, even though I meant it hahhahahha 😛 At the end of the day, me and my brother would count our income and compare it to each other to see who’ve got the most… And I would be very happy if it was me, but sad and envious if it wasn’t me.

But CNY isn’t about red pocket per se. However I see this act of giving red pocket is a good one, it is the time to be generous, especially to those who are dear to you. CNY gives you a gate to open your door to your relos, and it’s time for gathering and catching up with each other. It is a good time to strengthen the relationships between your relos, and Chinese do value family-ship.

However, getting older and (hopefully wiser), I get less excited about the red pocket. Don’t get me wrong — it doesn’t mean that I don’t like it anymore, I still do! Seriously, who doesn’t like money? 😛 I mean, without money how on earth could I survive?! However, the value of the money is not the importance to me. I don’t really care how much the money inside the pocket you give to me, as long as you have the heart to give it to me, well I’d take it with a smile in my heart and thank you. Maybe I’ve changed because now I’m able to earn my money, I’m not as reliant as before.. When I was little, I had to strive to get my Dad buy me something, since my Dad doesn’t like us to spend money too much, esp on things that we don’t really need. I admire that of him.

Honestly, due to this festival, I miss my family more…. especially today when I passed by an oriental shop and looked at the CNY candies and ornaments, I really wished that I was with my family. It’s really an attachment, and I did realise it coming. Feeling is impermanent, as it went away, I let it go 🙂

Lately I feel happier and lighter. I feel more carefree…. Hope y’all feel the same! Be happy! 🙂

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